The annual farmers forest day event was conducted in two sites of VoCDA’s current project intervention rural-kebeles of Tepo-choroke and Mukiye-laman of Dugda distrt in east shewa zone of Oromia region/Ethiopia. the celebration event was accompanied by farmers/project beneficiaries’ product selling, like honey, alloviara and moringa soaps. In addition to this selling events the day was marked by different messages delivered as means of awareness creation and empowering the kebeles dwellers to stand for the regeneration of natural resources/trees. on these dates different participants have passed on their messages to the celebration participants; like district administrations, kebele elders, guests and VoCDA representatives. The project support tree aid country office was also presented on the event day that was celebrated as of November 22 and 29, 2020.
In addition to this, on these dates the model farmers who keep trees and forest in their home and farm steads were rewarded as recognition to their good deeds. As of this 12 persons representing 10 rural kebeles where VoCDA operates and 2 model schools were awarded on the dates solar-panels.