Supported farmers to help themselves by themselves.



We exist, To empower poor, women and vulnerable households, To bring about sustainable development and positive social transformation; and promote human dignity for all citizens,


To see prosperous communities where all community members use their capability and livelihood asset to realize a sustainable livelihood,


To contribute to the attainment of sustainable social services, food security and community development for the rural and semi-urban poor with sustained environmental management and healthy, literate and prosperous society.


We exist, To empower poor, women and vulnerable households, To bring about sustainable development and positive social transformation; and promote human dignity for all citizens,


To see prosperous communities where all community members use their capability and livelihood asset to realize a sustainable livelihood,


To contribute to the attainment of sustainable social services, food security and community development for the rural and semi-urban poor with sustained environmental management and healthy, literate and prosperous society.

About VoCDA

Vision Community Development Association (VoCDA) is an Ethiopian Residents Charity Organizations, which is engaged in the promotion of people’s self-development focusing on rural and semi-urban poor community who are the most vulnerable to the problems of under development in Urban and rural areas. VoCDA has been established in 2003, & registered with federal CSO agency as local NGO.
• Registration No. 0129.
• Entered in to Operational and project agreements with Federal and regional concerned bureaus.

Message from Executive Director

Desisa Kabeta

Executive Director

How are you all readers and viewers of our website! we have developed this website as a way to make people aware of the services and/or products we are offering, understand why our services are relevant for the needy community, we serve, through different development endeavors and see which of our organization’s services qualities/potentials set our organization special. Moreover, the objectives of the website’s development are:

  • To increase our outreach capacity to reach more users and donors so that the organization can secure more funding and give more services to the needy people,
  • To Become a Confident resource of the information that disseminated on our websites to donors, to community in need and development practitioner in the social development sectors
  • To build our Brand in the development endeavor, through our services to the needy community to whom we are committed. To this end I believe the website is users friendly and easily usable as well.

Generally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the website developer’s firm, VoCDA staffs, and boards who participated throughout the process. Especial thanks go to Plan-International Ethiopia, who cooperates with us in supporting financially to enable us the website development become real.

Our Major Services

Women’s empowerment (SHGs,  IGAs, curbing HIV/AIDS and HTP,  curbing, reproductive health awareness activities, and  food security

Environmental Rehabilitation, Education and Advocacy

Non-Formal Basic Child and Adult Education



Women supported
150 +
Hectares Recovered
150 +
food Security and Water
150 +
Basic Education
150 +

What Partners say?

VoCDA is a member of CoSAP, organizing women into Self Help Groups in Adami Tulu (ziway-Batu) and Dodata Woreda of Arsi zone in Oromiya regional state. VoCDA is helping over seven thousand (7,000 ) poor women that organized into 266 Self Help Groups(SHGs).
TREE AID has provided a technical and financial support for VoCDA in the implementation of a rural development and environmental rehabilitation project in adamitulu jido komolcha and dugda districts of Oromia regional state.

Latest Posts

VoCDA celebrated farmers forest day event as of December 5, 2021

The celebration was conducted in wolinbula kebele peasant association in one farmer enclosure areas. The objective of the celebration was to aware the mass community on effect […]
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VoCDA celebrated 2020 annual farmers forest day event

The annual farmers forest day event was conducted in two sites of VoCDA’s current project intervention rural-kebeles of Tepo-choroke and Mukiye-laman of Dugda distrt in east […]
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VoCDA has launched new project

A new project that was meant to benefits the community and environment in AJK district of east shewa zone has been launched as of July 14, 2021 at Batu town.  during this event […]
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VoCDA currently celebrate and inaugurated eco-tourism sites

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eco tourism inauguration

VoCDA has inaugurated Eco-tourism center at worja mountain in Batu areas. This ceremony was happened as of June 5, 2022 in the presence of locality community woreda line staffs, […]
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Distribution of education materials to children from poor families.

Vision of community development Association (VoCDA) has donated educational support materials to children from poor families in worja-woshgula village , A/T/J/Kom […]
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Community conversation held at Worja-washgula kebele

The meeting was help for two days where the community participating and give its suggestions on the how of the natural resource management issues could be successful done at grassroots level. Accordingly […]
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Community Conversation at Kemo-Garbi kebele level

In this event the community raised different issues of environmental protection from government center protection to cultural protection methods. Finally people of the kebele agreed to make both combined […]
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Kebele level ritual law development ceremony

The ritual law development process was begun through community discussions and drafting ritual laws through full community representatives at their respective kebeles. The ritual law development was meant […]
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Discussion with Abbaa Gadaa and Haadha Siinqee at Woreda level

At woreda level one day preliminary discussions were undertaken at Batu town for consensus development purposes. In this workshop, two kebele abba-Gada and hadha-sinqee were present and discussed, agreeing […]
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Our Donors

Here are some of our donors from the past and present

Board Members

 Ibrahim Kaso

 Ibrahim Kaso

Board Member
Ahmed Hassen

Ahmed Hassen

Board Member
Mehammed Reshid

Mehammed Reshid

Board Member
Mr Tibebu Koji

Mr Tibebu Koji

Board Chair Person
Mr.  Dadefo Teno

Mr. Dadefo Teno

Board Vice Chairperson
Simegn Kuma

Simegn Kuma

Board Member
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